The story of KMS Tirpitz


“Tirpitz was the second of two Bismarck-class battleships built for Nazi
's Kriegsmarine (navy) prior to and during the Second World War, and was named after Grand Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz the architect of the Kaiserliche Marine (Imperial Navy)”


I really love ships especially the navy ships and in my opinion battleships are the second most powerful warships with the number one most powerful warship is the aircraft carrier.

The description of the ship is just below


                                   KMS Tirpitz

            Armament: 8 × 38 cm (15 in) SK C/34 (4 × 2)

            Armor: Belt armor: 320 mm (13 in)

                        Turret armor: 360 mm (14 in)

   Main deck armor: 100 to 120 mm (3.9 to 4.7 in)

            Speed: 30 knots (56 km/h; 35 mph)

                Displacement: 42,900 tons


So, the Tirpitz is the second ship of the Bismarck-class battleships but it is the firs
battleship of the class to have torpedo launchers so I guess If the Bismarck and Tirpitz have a fight I think the Bismarck would have taken a serous beating with the torpedo hits.

The battleship KMS Tirpitz was destroyed off the coast of Håkøy Island near Norway and as to how it was destroyed it was because two 12,000-pound (5,400 kg) "Tallboy" bombs made a direct hit on the ship and with one more bomb almost that miss it made a big hole in the side of the ship causing it to rapidly capsize and the deck fire made its way to the ammunition magazine causing a large explosion which further damaged the ship.

But it did have its fair share of missions.




Italic/bold contents are credited to Wikipedia
